
Members 2023-2024

Co-Chair: Logan Szittai ‘24

Co-Chair: Jazz Carlson ‘25

Kieran Lucus ‘26

Alex Lim ‘27

Constitution and Elections (C&E)

The purpose of the Constitution and Elections Committee is to facilitate the elections and appointment process and bring forward revisions to the constitution to the General Body. 

Representatives of this subcommittee should be unbiased and capable of making sure Class Coordinating Board rules and regulations are being carried out. 

This subcommittee will be responsible for working with the Senior Co-Presidents (the election chairs) to help advertise election information and be the primary point people for First-year elections. 

This committee will be in charge of running the appointment process. For this goal, they will work closely with the current board to publicize the appointment process. 

This committee will bring up amendment proposals and bylaws in front of General Body to change the Class Coordinating Board Constitution. Every person on General Body should feel welcome to bring up amendments and the elections committee can help with the writing and proposal. They will facilitate the amendment proposal by bringing it forth on behalf of the proposer and announce it to General Body and carry out the voting of this amendment proposal.


Members of the Constitutions and Elections committee are currently working with members from other branches of student government on drafting and enacting a student government elections code and constitution.